CP Orthopedics Lunch & Learn Seminar Series

Webinar Series // 12:00 - 1:00PM EST

Our Cerebral Palsy Lunch & Learn seminar series focuses on the care of cerebral palsy across the lifespan. The series is designed to improve cerebral palsy care by providing participants and faculty a forum for interaction and collaboration. This online series is hosted by WFCPC Clinical Director, orthopedic surgeon Joshua E. Hyman, MD, with a guest speaker for each session. 

Joshua E. Hyman, MD

Managing Bone Health and Fracture Risk Reduction in Individuals with Medical Complexity

Children and young adults with medical complexity experience a myriad of risk factors for decreased bone mineral density and fragility-related fractures. Despite this known vulnerability, the true incidence of fragility-related fractures in this population is not well documented. Furthermore, there is no clear medical consensus about how best to mitigate this risk. Family and caregivers of individuals with medical complexity often experience unfair scrutiny, stigma, and reputational risk when fragility-related fractures occur.

Our talk will attempt to provide an evidence-based estimate of the incidence of fragility-related fractures. It will first define what is meant by the term “medical complexity.” It will then offer a brief review of bone health and metabolism and review the risk fractures associated with decreased bone mineral density in the medically fragile population. We will also review current evidence-based recommendations for evaluation of decreased bone mineral density and mitigation of fracture risk. Lastly, our talk will propose a new language model that reframes our conversations about fragility-related fractures, shifting away from a punitive model of cause and effect, and toward a recognition that decreased bone mineral density and heightened fracture risk are known complications of chronic medically complex diseases.

Our speakers

Alvin L. Moyer, MD

Dr. Alvin Moyer is the Chief Medical Officer and Director of Palliative Care Services at Elizabeth Seton Children’s Center. He is Board-certified in both Pediatrics and Hospice and Palliative Medicine and has spent the majority of his career caring for children and young adults with medical complexity.

Dr. Moyer received his Bachelor of Arts in neuroscience from Colgate University and his Doctor of Medicine from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.  He completed his residency in Pediatrics at the University of Rochester – Strong Memorial Hospital. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

Dr. Moyer’s clinical passion is working with families of individuals with medical complexity and balancing expert medical care with advocacy for comfort and quality of life. He has developed several quality assurance programs and best practice models for complex patient care, including a decade long study of bone fragility and fracture risk reduction in the medically fragile population.

Cemre Robinson, MD

Cemre Robinson, MD, is the Clinical Research Director of Rare Bone Disease Programs at Sanofi. She is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai working as voluntary faculty.  Dr. Robinson’s expertise is in pediatric metabolic bone diseases. She established the Mount Sinai Pediatric Bone Health Clinic and serves as the director of the weekly clinic. She is also a consultant endocrinologist at Elizabeth Seton Children’s Center.

She received her medical degree from the Mercer University School of Medicine in Georgia and completed her pediatric residency at the Lewis M. Fraad Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Jacobi Medical Center in New York.  Dr. Robinson completed her fellowship training in Pediatric Endocrinology at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Prior to joining Mount Sinai in 2019, Dr. Robinson was an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Section of Endocrinology at Yale School of Medicine.

Past Lunch & Learn Webinars

The Roles of the Nurse Practitioner in the Care of Children and Adults with Cerebral Palsy

From clinical evaluation to treatment and surgical management, nurse practitioners cover the breadth of comprehensive care for individuals and families living with cerebral palsy. In this webinar, the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center's nurse practitioners will share:

  • The crucial roles they play in the lifespan care of people with cerebral palsy
  • How they support our providers
  • Collaborative medical management with the multi-disciplinary team providers 
  • Treatments and procedures provided independently by the nurse practitioner
  • Referral process to a nurse practitioner 

Our speakers

Elisabeth Bates, CPNP, Nikki Bainton, CPNP-PCEduardo del Rosario, PhD, FNP-BC


Maximizing Orthopedic Surgery with Pre- and Post- Operative Physical Therapy

The series kicked off on Thursday March 7th, 2024 with guest speaker pediatric physical therapist Lisa Yoon, DPT who discussed the topic of pre and post operative physical therapy to maximize recovery and outcome of orthopedic surgery in children with cerebral palsy. The seminar covered:

  • Lisa Yoon, DPT - Pre-op & post-op therapy and how to restore function to before surgery
  • Joshua Hyman, MD - A brief overview of hip surveillance and goals for hip surgery for children with cerebral palsy
  • Discussion
  • Questions and answers

Throughout the year, the series will cover a variety of topics with presentations, case reviews and Q&A sessions. Topics will be presented by experts from the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center team of specialists, as well as some invited guests.

All healthcare providers caring for the cerebral palsy community are encouraged to attend - please feel free to forward details to friends and colleagues.

Ideas for future topics? Shoot an email to: cpcenter@cumc.columbia.edu