Adaptive Dance Class with Dancing Dreams
Class for youths of all abilities
Join a youth adaptive dance class hosted by Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center and Dancing Dreams. Dancers will be exposed to a mixture of dance styles - ballet, tap, hip hop. Open to youths of all abilities, free of charge.
Dancing Dreams, 211-47 26th Ave, Bayside, Queens, NY 11360 (In Bay Terrace Shopping Center next to Game Stop)
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
4:30 - 5:15 Ages 7-10
5:15 - 6:00 Ages 11-17
Classes will be taught by pediatric physical therapist Joann Ferrara, PT founder of Dancing Dreams with assistant teachers and teen volunteers.
Attire: Dancewear or loose comfortable clothing, ballet slippers or closed toe shoes with a closed back

About Dancing Dreams
Dancing Dreams is a nonprofit dance program with a mission of providing dance classes to children ages 3-21 with physical and medical challenges. Classess meet weekly after school from September through May at three sites: Bayside, Queens; Manhattan Upper East Side and Plainview Long Island. Classes are taught by physical and occupational therapists with an assistant teacher and teen volunteers. Dancers are exposed to ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop dance styles. We provide dancewear and shoes at no charge, there is no charge for costumes or tickets for the annual performance. The year culminates with an onstage performance. This year's show will be May 19th, at Queens College Colden Auditorium.
Check out Joann's interview on Spectrum 1 News.